It Doesn't Have to Hurt

Cassie & Friends: How do you bounce back from JIA pain?

PhD student, Yvonne Brandelli and her research team at Dalhousie University and The Centre for Pediatric Pain Research (IWK Health Centre) need 319 youth and their parents to complete an online survey which will help us learn more about resilience , pain, and well-being in youth with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis. 

This study is cool because you actually get paid to share your experiences which is a nice bonus. This survey didn’t take a lot of time compared to some of the research I’ve been a part of which involved blood work (yuck!) and so many long, separate trips to have my bones measured.” – Abby, 14

To learn more check out our blog post and video in partnership with Cassie & Friends (the only charity in Canada dedicated 100% to the pediatric rheumatic disease community): 


IWK Health Centre
Centre for Pediatric Pain Research
Dalhousie University